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Kodály Centre

Kodály Központ | Music Hall

Pannon Philharmonic: Mystery

Ticket types

  • Class I.

    7490 HUF

  • Class II.

    5490 HUF

  • Class III.

    3490 HUF

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Pannon Philharmonic: Mystery


Centuries’ turns, rarities, the piano and women – all in the interpretation of men.

William Walton: Spitfire Prelude and Fugue
Maurice Ravel: Piano Concerto in G major
Dora Pejačević: Phantasie concertante, Op. 48
Zoltán Kodály: Variations on a Hungarian Folk Song "The Peacock" (Peacock Variations)

Martina Filjak – piano
András Kövér – host

Conducted by: Tibor Bogányi



Centuries’ turns, rarities, the piano and women – all in the interpretation of men. This concert offers real treats with classical pieces and some amazing surprises.


What is the Art Nouveau in Croatia? And what music did a hardly 38-year-old female pianist and composer write in the world of Austria-Hungary, who was born next to Osijek but felt at home in Budapest, Vienna and Munich, too? What music did Ravel write for a female soloist 13 years later? We'll reveal the answers to these questions at this concert, which promises us beauty and exhilaration.


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